
Monday, November 12, 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Don't only be close...

  Don't only be close with someone who makes you happy.
Be close with someone who can't be happy without you.
It makes a lot of difference in life.

[웹두레] 사이트방문하고 돈버는 사이트 웹두레

웹두레는 웹서핑을 해서 조그마한 수익을 얻을 수 있는곳입니다.
하루에 한번씩 각기 다른 사이트를 방문하고 그 댓가로 포인트를 받고 그 포인트로 현금으로 환급 할 수 있는 돈버는 사이트 웹두레입니다.

웹두레의 광고는 자신의 사이트를 홍보하려는 광고주가 적은 돈으로 다수의 사람들에게 자신의 사이트를 알릴 수 있고,
광고를 보는 회원은 포인트를 받을 수 있어 서로에게 이득이 되는 사이트입니다.
여기서 중요한점은 하위회원(홀씨회원)이 서핑을 시작하면, 수익이 높아집니다.

1) 서핑적립
이 사이트의 주된 포인트 획득방법은 다른 사이트를 일정시간(약 20초) 동안 방문해서 포인를 얻는 것입니다.
서핑적립을 통해서 사이트에 방문을 하면 1포인트를 받게 됩니다. 1포인트는 현금 4원과 같은 가치를 가지고 있습니다
서핑적립 바로 시작만 누루면 알아서 서핑하기 때문에 괜찮은 수익 시스템입니다..

웹두레 포인트로 현금으로 환급받을 수 있고 아니면 싸이 월드의 도토리로 교환할 수 있습니다.

아래에는 서핑적립외에도 웹두레에서 환급 받을 수 있는 여러 방법들이 있습니다.

2) 이벤트 적립
광고주들이 회원가입이나 다른 조건을 걸고 완수하게 되면 일정액의 포인트를 얻게 됩니다. 이 이벤트 적립은 주로 아침 9시에서 10시사이에 많이 나옵니다. 이벤트 적립은 회원가입과 같이 복잡한 것도 있지만 사이트방문이나 방명록남기기등의 간단한 것도 있으니 매일확인해보세요

3) 제휴적립
제휴사를 방문하여 구매하면 포인트를 적립해줍니다.

4) 우체통 적립
트위터에 팔로을 하거나, 문자, 메일, 쪽지를 통하여 적립할 수 있게 해줍니다.

5) 사용후기적립
상품이나 서비스를 사용하신 후 그 후기를 올리면 심사를 통하여 적립이 가능합니다.

6) 보너스 적립
웹두레를 이용하는 사이트 들에서 가입 혹은 구매시 일정의 포인트를 주거나 서핑적립의 기회를 늘려줍니다.

7) 플러스 적립
창작, 게시글 추천포인트, 댓글/검색, 홀씨유치(하위회원), 터보적립(홀씨회원이 서핑적립한 포인트의 50%를 추가로 적립), 적립왕(일주일간의 적립점수로 20위까지), 두레배너 게시

8) 배너 적립
두레배너를 기시하면 배너클릭당 4포인트 적립

간단하게 가입하고 현급으로 환급할 수 있는 수단이 많은 웹두레입니다. 
적립할 수 있는 수단이 다양하니 한번 시도해 보세요.

가입하시려면 아래의 웹두레 링크를 클리해주세요

Friday, November 2, 2012

It's crazy how you can go...

  It's crazy how you can go months or years without talking to someone but they still cross your mind everyday.

                                               *Love Quotes and Sayings

Paid to Click







DonkeyMails.com: No Minimum Payout

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Life is full of fake people....

  Life is full of fake people. Beferoe you decide to judge them, make sure you're not one of them.

                                       *Love Quotes and Sayings

Tuesday, October 30, 2012




Neobux(네오벅스)라는 paid to click 사이트...
홈페이지 : 

네오벅스는 광고를 보고 돈을 버는 사이트 입니다. 해외에선 아주 인기 있는 사이트라고 합니다.

특히 많은 사람들이 이 사이트에서 한달에 100만원 이상 수익을 가져 가고 있다고 하는데요.

이 사이트는 무료 이구요 특히 이 사이트는 광고를 보고 얻은 수익으로 투자를 할 수 있습니다. 

1)메인 화면에서 Registration을 클릭

2) 개인정보을 기입하는 란을 작성해주시구요.(Referrer란에는 "teufelsong")

3) 자신의 이메일에서 인증코드를 입력하시고 finish registration을 클릭합니다.

4) 가입이 완료되었다는 화면이 뜹니다.

5) 로그인하시면 초기화면이 보입니다.

6) 광고(Advertisement)탭으로 가셔서 하나씩 광고를 클릭합니다.

7) 한번에 하나씩 클릭을 하면 광고창이 뜨면서 어느정도 시간이 지나면 왼쪽 상단에 아래 그림과 같이 나옵니다. 혹시 들어간 곳에 또 들어가셨다면 이미 들어왔었다는 문구가 출력이됩니다.

8) 첨으로 들어가서 모든 광고를 클릭한 결과 0.014달러.

9) 수익이 2달러이상이면 Payza/PayPal로 인출이 가능합니다.

결론 : 하루도 빠짐없이 한달(30일) 동안 모든 광고를 클릭했을 때, 최소인출단위인 2달러에 도달까지...

2달러 / 0.014달러 = 142.857 일 (약 5개월)

"여유돈이 있으면 투자하면 빠른 수익을 얻을 수도 있습니다. 하루에 꾸준히 3분정도의 시간을 투자하시면 원하시는 수익을 가져갈 수 있습니다." 라고 광고를 하는데 추천인(Referrer)을 얼마나 모으고 추천인 구매를 얼마를 해야 될지...

광고 단가가 낮아서 언제 모으냐 싶겠지만 외국에는 이런류의 사이트들이 많답니다. 여러개 동시에 하다보면 의외로 달러가 잘 모이지 않을까 하는 생각도 잠시 해봅니다만...

Monday, October 29, 2012

The best relationship is...

  The best relationship is when someone accepts your past supports your present and encourages your future.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

I'm not a perfect person,...

  I'm not a perfect person, I make a lot of mistakes. but I really appreciate those people who stay with me after knowing how I really am...!!

                                              * www.lifelovequotesandsayings.com

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Every man needs a woman...

  Every man needs a woman when his life is a mess. Because just like a game of chess, the QUEEN Protects the KING.

                                       * www.lifelovequotesandsayings.com


Earn money with Megatypers.com

Just recently I was reffed by one of my friend to join Megatypers.com. He said the job was very easy you just have to type the captcha that appears on the screen, the faster you type the higher you will earn.

Then I get this doubt that maybe this is a scam, so I searched the internet for infos about the company. And I found out that this is actually legitimate and not a scam based on other peoples testimony.

What is Megatypers.com?

MegaTypers.com is a workforce management company that service institutions requiring data entry services. Their main goal is to support their clients digitization requirements by converting scanned papers into editable digital documents. Their services also include Neural Network Text Recognition, Voice-to-text transcription and Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart image recognition for the visually impaired (blind).

They are currently looking for typers from around the globe. All you need to have to work with them is a computer with an internet connection and the ability to type at least 10 Words Per Minute. The schedules are flexible. You can work at any hour that you want and for as long as you please. The quicker you type, the more cash you earn.

Megatypers is good for
  • Mothers who stay at home
  • Parents needed a second job
  • Students 
  • Anyone 
How much you earn depends on how much you work. Their top typers earn between $100 and $250 each month! The Rates start from $0.50 for each 1000 words typed and can go as high as up to $1.5 for each 1000 words typed. They Pay through Debit Cards, Bank Checks, Paypal, Webmoney, Liberty Reserve and Western Union.

Before joining you will need a code, I have here codes that you will need to join the program
4H4B4H4C4H4D, 4H4F4H4G4H4H, 4H4J

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메가 타이퍼 홈페이지
MegaTyper : http://www.megatypers.com

한달에 200 달러를 벌 수 있다는 사이트
Easy Job, Easy Money.
Earn over $200 us dollars a month

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초대코드는 다음을 사용하기 바랍니다.~

Invitation Code: 4H4C4H4D, 4H4F4H4G4H4H,

Friday, October 26, 2012

Love isn't all about flirting,...

  Love isn't all about flirting, hugs, kissed and sex. Love is about having the ability to take all those things away and still having feelings for that person.

                                            * Love Quotes and Sayings

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I have chosen to be HAPPY...

  I have chosen to be HAPPY because it  is good for my health.
                                                                            - Voltaire -
                                         * JUST Quotes.

Don't ever feel Sad...

  Don't ever feel Sad for someone gave up on you, Instead, feel sad for them that they gave up on someone that would have Never Given up on them.

                                                        *Love Quotes and Sayings

ANGER is the feeling that...

  ANGER is the feeling that makes your mouth work faster than your MIND.


You really don't always have to be super nice.

  You really don't always have to be super nice. Sometimes you have to show your bad side so that you can sort out who can accept you at your worst.

Photo: www.lifelovequotesandsayings.com

If someone doesn't appreciate...

  If someone doesn't appreciate your presence make them appreciate your absence.


If there ever comes a day when...

 If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever.

Don't play with a woman's heart,...

Don't play with a woman's heart, why mislead a good woman if you know you're not going to love her the way she deserves to be loved.

                                                     * lifequotesru.com

MegaTypers / Protypers

MegaTyper : http://www.megatypers.com

Easy Job, Easy Money.
Earn over $200 us dollars a month

Using This ...
Invitation Code: 4H4B4H4C4H4D
                        4H4F4H4G4H4H, 4H4J

Pay per Click

Pay per Click(클릭당 광고료 지불)

definition : Pay per click - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sites : 

Sylvia Kristel, 60, Dies; Starred in ‘Emmanuelle’

Sylvia Kristel, 60, Dies; Starred in ‘Emmanuelle’

                                                                 *source : The NewYok Times

Sylvia Kristel, a Dutch actress who became an international sex star after she played the title role in the 1974 erotic film “Emmanuelle,”died on Wednesday in the Netherlands. She was 60.

The cause was cancer, her agency, Features Creative Management said in a statement on its Web site, without saying where she died. AVN, a trade publication for the sex film industry, reported that she died at home in The Hague.
Ms. Kristel was a willowy, dark-haired model and beauty contest winner in her early 20s with scant acting experience when she was cast by the French director Just Jaeckin as Emmanuelle, the wife of a French diplomat in Bangkok who seeks solace for her boredom in a variety of sexual encounters.
With its simulated sex scenes shot largely in soft focus, an exotic locale and a sentimental pop score, the film became an avatar of soft-core pornography. An immediate hit in France — it stayed at the same theater in Paris for several years — and later in Japan, where it was perceived as a triumph of feminism (mostly, Ms. Kristel pointed out, for one scene in which Emmanuelle climbs on top of her husband during sex), it was distributed in the United States by a major studio, Columbia Pictures, a relatively respectable alternative to the scandalous hits of two years earlier, “Deep Throat” and “Behind the Green Door.”
Ms. Kristel went on to appear in several Emmanuelle feature films and made-for-television movies.
According to AVN, ”Emmanuelle” is said to have earned more than $100 million. Ms. Kristel was ambivalent about her experience making the films; they allowed her to travel and opened doors for her as an actress, she said, and it was hard not to be proud of a film that so many people had seen. But the career that grew out of them was not what she had planned or hoped for.
She did act in mainstream films, working with renowned European directors including Alain Robbe-Grillet (“Playing With Fire,” 1975) and Claude Chabrol (“Alice or the Last Escapade,” 1977), starring in Mr. Jaeckin’s adaptation of “Lady Chatterley’s Lover” (1981) and spending several years in Hollywood, where she appeared in the action-adventure film “The Fifth Musketeer” (1979); “The Nude Bomb” (1980, a reprise of the 1960s television series “Get Smart,” starring Don Adams); and the racy, very successful comedy “Private Lessons” (1981), in which she played an immigrant maid who seduces a teenager. But she was nearly always cast in sexually suggestive parts, and her performances drew considerably less attention than her face and figure.
In her 2006 autobiography, “Undressing Emmanuelle,” she wrote that she was “disappointed and a little hurt” that her more serious work went unappreciated. “I was dressed but people preferred me naked,” she wrote.
Ms. Kristel was born in Utrecht, the Netherlands, on Sept. 28, 1952, and grew up in a hotel owned by her parents, who separated when she was 16. She worked as a secretary before becoming a model, and when she was 20 she won the Miss TV Holland and the Miss TV Europe beauty contests.
In later years Ms. Kristel pursued a career as a painter. She directed a short animated film, “Topor et Moi,” that was shown at the Tribeca Film Festival in 2006.
She was married and divorced twice. In Hollywood, she had a volatile relationship with the British actor Ian McShane, whom she met while making “The Fifth Musketeer,” and she acknowledged that during that time she had problems with alcohol and cocaine. She also acknowledged romantic liaisons with Gérard Depardieu, Roger Vadim and Warren Beatty.
Her survivors include a son, Arthur Kristel, whose father was Hugo Claus, a Belgian artist and writer who died in 2008.
In interviews in recent years, Ms. Kristel spoke about her time as Emmanuelle with appreciative dispassion. “The series allowed me to paint for a year and live in peace,” she said in 2009. “And I think that justifies the means.”

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구글에서 텍스트큐브 인수 

한국 사용자 포럼 http://forum.wordpress.kr/
다중 사용자 http://buddypress.org/
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